Head of the Atmospheric Physics and Magnetism Department of the Shamakhy Astrophysics Observatory named after N. Tusi, ph.d in Physics and Mathematics Sciences Associate Professor Janmammad Rustamov’s project was one of the winners of the largest grant project of the European Union "HORIZON-2020".
Projects in the field of scientific, technical, medical, food security and other areas within the framework of "HORIZON-2020" are evaluated by influential European experts.
The amount allocated to the project provided by Rustamov, is in fourth place in terms of funds allocated to projects from 10 countries.
The project intends to explore the massive stars belonging to the spectral class and the wolf rayet stars together with astronomers from 10 countries for four years.
During these studies, the ways of different countries' astronomers tested and used for many years will be utilized. It will increase the reliability of the results obtained and will allow these results to be perceived as accurate results by world astronomers.
This factor is a decisive factor in scientific research.The project will begin in January 2019.
Starting from this date, SHAO employees will be sent on a business trip to the countries mentioned in the project, and employees from these countries are expected to arrive at the SHAO.
It should be noted that the project "HORIZON-2020" has a fund of 80 billion euros and is funded by the European Union.
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