Devices and Light-emitting devices

•  2-meter telescope and its devices. This telescope was installed by the German company “ Carl Zeiss JENA”. The primary parabolic mirror has a diameter of 2080mm, and a focal length  of 9000mm. 2 m telescope  combines 3 different optical systems and is intended mainly for spectral observations:

• Principal focus. Resolving  power-1:4.5.Focal length-23”/mm. Devices: principal focus cassete having useful field 21’x21’ applying corrector for  photometric observations, spectrograph of the principal focus  with  2 diffraction gratings and 3 cameras which are used for the study of faint celestial bodies.

• Cassegrain focus . The equivalent focus length - 29500 mm. Relative aperture - 1:14.5. Length 7”/mm. Devices: 2x2 prism spectrograph having dispersion of H at 90 and 180 A/mm and  providing with CCD having sizes of  1024x1536 pixels to obtain spectra of faint stars. Classic spectrograph of  diffractional grating(UAGS) having dispersion 29,44,86,196 A/mm for  the quantitative spectral analysis of stars. Cassegrain-Escelle spectrograph of 2 cameras  (F= 150 mm,  F= 250 mm)  with resolving powers of 1500 and 2500 and  CCD’s matrixes with 530x580 pixels(nitrogen cooling)  to obtain high resolved spectra of faint stars in Cassegrain focus. CCD’s matrixes with 3056x3056 pixels (with thermoelectric cooling system) having useful field 4’x4’ for photometry and cassete plant provided with international filter set.      

• Coude focus. Equivalent focal length - 72000 mm. Light power- 1:36. Scale - 3”/mm. Devices: Escelle spectrograph with resolving powers of 30000, universal Coude-Escelle spectrograph  with super high resolving 3 cameras  (F=350mm, F=700mm, F=1400mm),  2 Escelle grating (γ =63.5°,γ = 80°) of first Escelle grating  of 63.5” wi°th resolving powers of R=95000 and R= 190000, Escelle grating of 80° with resolving powers  of R= 260000 and R=530000 4000x4000.

Light receivers: 1. CCD camera with 530x580 pixels (1pix=18x24 mik. Nitrogen cooling)  2. CCD camera with 4000x4000 pixels (1 pix=15 mik.nitrogen cooling) 3. CCD camera  with 3056x3056 pixels (1 pix=12 mik. el ectronic cooling). 4. CCD camera with 1024x1536 pixels (1pix=9mik. electronic cooling).

• Teleskop “Zeiss-600”. It was installed by the Gernan company “Carl Zeiss JENA” in 1982. It is used  for the  photometric investigations of stars and galaxies.The diameter of  the primary parabolic mirror is 600mm the focal length is 2400mm; the focal length of Cassegrain system is 755 mm. Field :  28”/mm. The observations were conducted with electrophotometer for a long time but at the present moment  they are conducted  with multifunctional photometer polarimeter (useful field is 17 arcmin) prepared correspondingly to optic system of telescope “Zeiss-600” and provided with filter set (B,V,Rc,R,J) of the international photometric system with the aid of Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. CCD camera (electronic cooling) is used of FLI company with sizes of 4000x4000 pixel (1 pix=9 mik) as light receiver. Recently CCD photometry of young stars  of medium ( stars of UX Ori type ) and giant ( stars of Wolf-Raye type)  weight and galaxies of different type has been conducted, more than 1000 colourful numerical images have been obtained.

• Telescope “AZT-8”. It was installed in 1970. The diameter of of the primary parabolic mirror is 700 mm, a focal length is 2820 mm. Focal length in the first Cassegrain system is 11 200 mm and relative aperture is 1:16  and field of view is 18’, relative aperture of 1:40.  The telescope  was equipped with CCD photometer (field of view 8 arcmin.) of 5 filters  fot the photometric observations of stars and galaxies, ASP 21 spectrograph  with 30A/mm dispersion for obtaining of the spectra of bright stars. The telescope is intended for the photoelectric, polarimetric and spectral observations of celestial bodies. 

• Meniscus telescope “AST-452”.  This telescope with the Maksutov optic system  is intended for the photographic observations. İt was installed in 1964. İt is a classical  optic  meniscus system and was worked out by D.D.Maksutov. This telescope is compact and  latent that is why the image obtained with this telescope is very qualitative. The telescope was prepared with special order of the optic - mechanical plant  in Kazan.

The telescope was equipped with 2 objective prisms of meniscus  lens,  lens   turning out surface of spheric focal  surface and of refraction angles  15°and 35° 40'. As  all these were prepared with ultraviolet glass spectral and photometric observations  c an be carried out till the nearest ultraviolet field (λ3400A).

The diameter of meniscus lens of the aperture is 350 mm, the diameter of the mirror is 490 mm, the focal lenght of the telescope  is 1200 mm. The scale in the focal surface of the telescope is 2.86’/ mm.The resolving power of the telescope is 1:3.4. The  telescope can be used in 2 optic systems in primary and Newtonian focuses. A field of view  in the primary focus is 4’ 14’ linear size of the field is 90 mm and in the Newtonian focus  2  52 and 60mm.  correspondingly. This telescope is irreplaceable for carrying out spectral  classification and photometry of stars in the clusters, search of nova and super nova stars, comets and asteroids as well.  

• Azimuth Coelostat Plant  ASQ-5 (Horisontal solar telescope. The telescope was installed in 1963. İt is used for the spectral and photometric investigation of the Sun. The diameter of its coelostat  secondary and primary mirrors is 440 mm, the diameter of Newtonian mirror is 200 mm, the Newtonian focal length is 17 500 mm, and equivalent focus distance in the Cassegrain system is 60 540 mm. The telescope was equipped with two cameras for the direct photography in primary and Cassegrain focus as well. The Newtonian focus is used for the spectral and magnetic observations.The telescope was equipped with ASP-20  spectrograph working in autocollimated regime (focal length is 7000 mm).Rating   of 150-200 square mm ruled area and 600 lines mm. Dispersion in the second working order is 1.12 Å / mm and spectral field is 360 Å, diameter of the image is 160 mm is used for the obtaining of spectrograms of solar flares, for visual  observations of the magnetic fields of  sunspots, studies on the development and dynamics of coronal prominences and spicules, fine structure of the solar spectral lines.

• Chromosphere photospheric telescope AFR-3. İt was installed in 1957. This telescope was used for the solar patrol more than 35 years, the diameter of the photospheric tube objective is 200 mm and the equivalent focal length is 9 000 mm the diameter of the chromospheric tube is  130 mm and the focal lengths are 6 000 and 2 000 mm the diameter of an image  is 100 m. with the help of the polarization interference filter (band width is 0.5A) the chromospheric patrol and patrol of other active formations on the Sun  üere carried out. With the help of photospheric tube the solar photosphere was observed.

• B-240 vacuum unit. In 1986 it was taken from Germany to aluminate the surface of astronomical mirrors. In 2005 it was sent to Germany for modernization and was commissioned in 2007.

• B-240 vacuum aluminium device. It was installed in 2008. Liquefaction Nitrogen Device for cooling the heaters used in SAO’s 2-meter telescope.

• VLF - Very low Frequency radio receiver. In 2008, as a result of co-operation with Stanford University, it was  provided unrestricted and joined the international network. The received database is being sent to Stanford University. The aim of the course is to study the influence of solar activity on ionosphere, including atmospheric (lightning, etc.) and Ionosphere events.

• SuperSİD. Device for watching sudden ionosphere events at the same time.  


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